Trauma Informed Co-Production

Date & Time:

Monday 25 November 2024 (09:30 - 15:30)


Westgate Collaboration Space, Oxford Westgate Library 228 The Westgate Queen Street Oxford



Have the people accessing your service experienced trauma? Do you feel that you and they would benefit if you knew more about the importance of meaningful co-production of the services people access when seeking help where trauma has been experienced? Would you like to learn more about how services that are over professionalised impacts them accessing your service?  If you answered yes, you are not alone. That is why we have invited Lisa Cherry, Author, Researcher and International Trauma Trainer and Consultant, to speak to you about understanding Trauma Informed Co-Production.

It offers a chance to hear from a highly regarded authority on trauma about how we can improve our relationship, interactions and overall care for people who have experienced trauma and the way that we approach people accessing services. In understanding how mono perspectives, can enforce, re-enforce, and also create and add to additional power dynamics. In this course, we will begin to understand that this is very much at odds with working with a trauma informed lens and that multiple perspectives bring the gift of wisdom to service development and service delivery. In other words, we seek to do ‘with’ not do ‘to.’ Research suggests that co-production, when done well, can empower, heal, and build capacity for people who may find services trauma inducing.

The course is designed to help frontline workers understand the importance of co-production and co-creation when working within a trauma informed framework.

The course covers of four key areas:

  • Introduction to understanding co-production
  • Exploring the impact of positionality
  • Methods we can use
  • Creating a co-production project

By the end of the course, delegates will be able to:

  • Identify and think operationally about the trauma informed principles in practice.
  • Explain the difference between consultation, participation, and co-production
  • Explore what co-production might look like in their setting
  • Identify trauma informed principles within co-production practices
  • Identify different ways that co-production can be misunderstood that can cause harm and why
  • Describe how being done ‘to’ rather than being ‘with’ can affect access to services.
  • Describe different methods of co-production wisdom gathering.
  • Understand ways that power can be shared and redistributed in the process of co-production.
  • Begin to ensure that diverse skills that harness different strengths and courage are drawn upon.
  • Identify strategies to collectively care for all those involved.

"Lisa was very engaging and she made delegates feel comfortable with speaking up." ~ Anonymous


Please note: The Westgate Collaboration Space is located above the Oxford County Library in Westgate (Oxford City Centre). There is no formal parking so delegates are advised to use the Park & Ride or various city centre car parks.

Teas, coffees and biscuits will be provided, however, delegates will need to bring their own lunch. There are many shops and cafes in Oxford city centre/Westgate for delegates to purchase lunch during the break if they prefer. 

Places Available:


Further Information:


Lisa Cherry

Venue Details:

Westgate Collaboration Space, Oxford Westgate Library 228 The Westgate Queen Street Oxford

(01865 815509)